February 25, 2022

French case study: Les Balmes

Date:  2018

Location: MIRIBEL (01 – FRANCE)

Actors involved:

Co-owners – Property manager

Design team: Eco 4 Home / Bemotech

Construction team:  OPERENE & a consortium of local SMEs

Context & objectives:

Built in 1966, this residence of 3 444m² (50 dwellings, two buildings of R+4 and one building of R+5) had a strong need for a deep retrofit.

The public one-stop shop of Ain Region conducted an energy audit in 2015, raising awareness among co-owners about the need to retrofit their building.

After that, a design team has been set up and proposed a holistic renovation project that would not only reduce the energy consumption but also increase the thermal comfort as well as the overall image of the residence.


What was the process?

With the planned works, the energy consumption reduction was important and an Energy Performance Contract was contracted to reassure the co-owners and nudge them into signing for this project.

Over a period of 8 years, the consortium of local SMEs who has carried out refurbishment works (15 months of work) and the operating/maintenance team of the residence will provide a guarantee attesting that energy savings amounts to 48% .

Conclusions /main outcomes:

Since then, the energy performance is met every year (48% at least) and co-owners can attest the difference in terms of energy consumption and comfort levels.

As for the construction company, this reference also helps them to convince other multifamily buildings to initiate deep refurbishment projects in the region.