The TURNKEY RETROFIT service is a HOMEOWNER-CENTRIC RENOVATION JOURNEY which transforms the complex and fragmented renovation process into a simple, straightforward and attractive process. Visit Solutions4Renovation now!

Turnkey Retrofit builds upon the promising experiences of integrated renovation services emerging in Europe to develop and improve an ECONOMICALLY-VIABLE BUSINESS MODEL, ultimately running without the need for public subsidies.


9 PARTNERS (from research, consultancy, engineering companies, non-profit organisations, technology centres) are joining forces to develop the concept in 3 EU COUNTRIES: France, Ireland and Spain. If successful, the model will be replicated EU-wide.
News and events
Spanish workshop: Implementing the TURNKEY RETROFIT service in Spain- Towards a TURNKEY RETROFIT community of market actors.
Implementing the TURNKEY RETROFIT service in Spain- Towards a TURNKEY RETROFIT community of market actors. Workshop held in Spanish. The main objectives of the workshop are: To present the project results, To discuss with participants how the project could be useful for their activities To discuss how they could be involved in the community: what […]
Outcomes and lessons learned from the Turnkey Retrofit project
The Turnkey Retrofit project was launched to developed an integrated renovation service that offers a homeowner-oriented renovation journey, with the aim to transform the complex and fragmented renovation process into a simpler, more straightforward and an overall more attractive process for the homeowner. The service is now accessible through a user-friendly digital platform and addresses […]
The Solutions4Renovation video is now available in Spanish and English!
Thinking of retrofitting your home and not sure where to start? Are your energy bills too high? And would you like to reduce them? Are you wondering about which retrofit grants you are eligible for? Turnkey Retrofit project presents an online platform, to assist you on your retrofit journey with a Quiz that helps […]
French workshop: Faciliter la rénovation énergétique des maisons individuelles grâce aux guichets uniques en ligne
This event has passed. The recording is available here. The workshop was organised by the French partners EP and CSTB, with the following objectives: To present the S4R platform, the Heero service, and the first feedback from users. To collect feedback from participants (experts and professionals) on S4R. To survey participants on their interest for […]
French case study: Les Balmes
Date: 2018 Location: MIRIBEL (01 – FRANCE) Actors involved: Co-owners – Property manager Design team: Eco 4 Home / Bemotech Construction team: OPERENE & a consortium of local SMEs Context & objectives: Built in 1966, this residence of 3 444m² (50 dwellings, two buildings of R+4 and one building of R+5) had a strong need […]
Interview with our French partner EP
Why are one-stop shops for renovation needed? There are a lot of intentions but not enough actions. Many initiatives exist but they are too scattered. The aim of one-stop-shops is to increase and rationalize energy retrofits based on operational needs until getting subsidies. How would you describe your business model? The service is free […]
Irish case study: Renovating a 1960’s house in the West of Ireland
Type of house and work undergone: It is a solid masonry wall house (94 m2 heated floor area) constructed in the 1960s occupied by a family of four, including two children. The house underwent substantial work, including retrofit measures to the building fabric and heating system. Double-glazed PVC windows and doors replaced single pane timber […]
Innovative approaches and affordable solutions for building energy renovation
The market for deep renovation of buildings needs to be transformed in terms of technologies, processes and business models. The multiple benefits of improved energy efficiency are well known, but more action is needed to achieve the higher rates of renovation that would reduce energy use and decarbonize the building stock in order to meet […]
[FR] Solutions4Renovation: la rénovation en un clic!
Vous avez déjà pensé à rénover votre logement mais vous ne savez pas par où commencer, vous trouvez que votre facture énergétique est trop élevée mais vous ne savez pas comment la réduire ni quel professionnel contacter, vous avez entendu parler d’aides à la rénovation mais vous ne savez pas à qui vous adresser pour […]
TOMORROW is the day! Join us,_spa, @ItaSIF, @GNEFinance and more as we exchange knowledge on how to set OSS and discuss financing options to EU citizens looking to renovate! Register here to learn the ins and outs of OSS financing 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/3qopURc#HomeRenovation #OSS
📢Do not miss this webinar on #businessmodels & #financing for #OSS hosted by @PadovaFITeu next Tuesday at 10am CET👇
@MEHI_Budapest @EkuBirojs Johanna Varghese from @IrishGBC (🇮🇪 REC national partner) presenting the @TurnkeyRetrofit one-stop-shop project that is being implemented in Ireland.
It aims to address:
🔸lack of awareness
🔸lack of familiarity with specific technology
🔸affordability and high up-front costs
Our partner Johanna Varghese from @IrishGBC presenting the @TurnkeyRetrofit Customer Journey on @RenovateEurope webinar happening now👇
Check our energy retrofitting #OSS now: http://www.solutions4renovation.eu/ie available in 🇫🇷🇪🇸🇮🇪
A Turnkey solution for single-family and multi-family buildings renovation.